2018MI-LABアドバンス・プログラムE 成果展のお知らせ



会期2019年1月26日(土)~2月1日(金) 会期中無休 / 入場無料
開廊時間13:00-17:00 最終日(2月1日)は15:00まで
東京都千代田区外神田6-11-14 アーツ千代田 3331 B109

Exhibition of MI-LAB Advanced Program E works

CfSHE Gallery is pleased to show the prints created during our last residency program of the year 2018 “Advanced Program E”.
In this program five artists from Hawaii (USA), UK, and Australia stayed and worked on Mokuhanga at MI-LAB Kawaguchi-ko studio during our coldest season of year.
We had a few new participants who learned about the MI-LAB after the “International Mokuhanga Conference Hawaii 2017”. Some of them had different points of view regarding technique, and they gave the MI-LAB the opportunity to know new techniques of Mokuhanga.

Furthermore, this was the last Residency program taught by Master Printer Tetsuo Soyama, who had played an active part in the MI-LAB residence and CfSHE workshops and summer camps. He passed away the 9th of January. The exhibition will be dedicated to the Master.

For more info, please write from the contact form.

Exhibiting Artists:
Ivy Maile Andrade /イヴィ・マイル・アンドラデ (USA)
Lynnette Gould / ルネット・グッド (Australia)
Lucy May Shofield / ルーシー・メイ・シェーンフィールド (UK)
Faith Stone / フェイス・ストーン (USA)
Trish Yates /トリッシュ・イエイツ* (Australia)
* MI-LAB AIR award winner at International Mokuhanga Conference at Hawaii / ハワイ国際木版画会議・MI-LAB AIR賞受賞者