
2024年12月5日〜2025年1月20日   9:39〜17:00 火曜休
越前和紙の里 卯立の工芸館2階   福井県越前市新在家町9-21-2

The result exhibition of Artists-In-Residence 2024 of Mokuhanga Innovation Lab (MI-LAB)
December 5, 2024 – January 20, 2025 Open: 9:30 – 17:00, closed on Tuesdays
Udatsu Paper and Craft Museum, 2F   Echizen Paper Village, 2-9-21 Shinzaikecho, Echizen, Fukui, Japan

参加アーティスト / Participating artists

Basic Training Program A
Aafke Bouman (Netherlands), Terhi Kalliola (Finland), Katherine Kenal (Canada), Kawai Lee (Hong Kong, China), Martha Schlegel (Germany), K. Stevenson (USA)

Basic Training Program B
Ana Govc (Slovenia), Hans Heeg (Germany), Kyong Won Lee (USA), Lenart Merlin (Slovenia)

Basic Training Program C
Kay Brown (UK), Najla Bulous (USA), Lari Gibbons (USA),  Anna Oneglia (USA), Roman Weiser (Czech/USA), Jessica Mariko Whyte-Shearer (USA) 

Advanced Program D
Inga Eicaite (Lithuania), Yvonne Hering (Australia), Raluca Iancu (Canada), Anita Jung (USA), Rowan McOnegal (UK, Scotland), Nancy Steele-Makasci (USA)

Advanced Program E
Ivy Haliimaile Andrade (USA), Maite Pinto (Spain), Cristina Royet (France), Daniel Streck (USA), Monique Wales (USA)

Expressing the Atmosphere of a Washi-Producing Region

Woodblock print exhibition by overseas artists in Echizen City

A result exhibition of overseas artists who stayed at the Mokuhanga Innovation Lab (MI-LAB)* is being held at the Udatsu Paper and Crafts Museum in Echizen Washi Village until January 20th. Using Echizen washi paper, the artists are showcasing works that express what they saw and felt in the washi production area.

MI-LAB, which serves as the base for the artist-in-residence program, was opened by the Center for Science of Human Endeavor in an old house in Awatabe Town in April, 2024. Artists from various countries participate in a 35-day residential training program, which is held five times a year. They learn about washi culture through a papermaking workshop and a paper mill tour, while acquiring water-based woodblock printing techniques.

The exhibition features 50 prints produced by 28 artists who stayed at MI-LAB in 2024. The works are full of individuality. They were printed on washi paper the artists found in the production area, through repeated test printing.

The artist chose Kawakami Gozen, the goddess of paper enshrined at Okamoto-Otaki Shrine, and the scenery of the Okamoto River with ginkgo leaves fluttering in the wind as their motives. The inspiration they got during their stay is reflected on their works.

Admission fee: 300 yen. Free for high school students and younger.

* MI-LAB is a creative base that opened this spring in the Imadate district, Echizen city.

Yoshihiro Hosokawa, Fukui Shinbun, January 8, 2024